The European Commission tripled an initial budget of Horizon Europe’s EURIZON Fellowship Programme Thursday to EUR 4.5 million to provide continuous support to Ukrainian research.

As researchers face daily challenges from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the constant threat of attacks on critical infrastructure. Their research progress is also hjindereed by the impossibility of travelling and reduction of state funding. Despite these challenges, Ukrainian scientists remain committed to their work.

The EURIZON Fellowship Programme is expected to have significant positive impacts on the work of Ukrainian researchers, including the opportunity to restart their projects, conduct cutting-edge research, establish stable contact with international partners, and broaden research dissemination. The Fellowship Programme will also allow them to reduce stress, help solve family difficulties, access foreign university libraries, retain IT specialists, and identify trends and best practices in public management.

In total, 65 projects, including 324 Ukrainian scientists will benefit from the Fellowship Programme. Some have already begun their activity, with the last group of projects receiving their grants and starting as of 1 May. Applications came from all over Ukraine, with a majority from Kyiv, followed by Kharkiv and Lviv. Young researchers were well represented among the applicants. In terms of gender dimension.

The projects will carry out their research in all scientific domains and will be conducted in collaboration with European Research Infrastructures. Applications covered various thematic fields, including Physical Science and Engineering, Environment, Social and Cultural Innovation, Health and Food, Energy, Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures.

Source: EUbusiness

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