Remember when 2°C of global warming was the doomsday scenario? Well, we’re now staring down the barrel of something much worse. From the fish on your plate to the weather outside your window, everything’s about to change.

A new study by an international team of researchers, including Jackie Dawson, full professor, Geography, Environment and Geomatics at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Arts, underscores the grave risks posed by insufficient national commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“Our findings reveal that the risk of reaching 2.7°C of warming is substantial and that there is not a single sector in society that will remain untouched,” explains Professor Dawson who is also a tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Human and Policy Dimensions of Climate Change. “From marine ecosystems to local infrastructure, the cascading impacts will affect every individual.” Read more at University of Ottawa

Source: ENN

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