mennessä CrNet Oy | heinä 3, 2024 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
The largest electricity and gas producers experienced a decrease in market share in many EU countries in 2022, as competition in the energy market increased compared with 2021, Eurostat reports. A market share indicator shows the proportion of the market’s...
mennessä CrNet Oy | heinä 3, 2024 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Melting of glaciers in a major Alaskan icefield has accelerated and could reach an irreversible tipping point earlier than previously thought, research led by Newcastle University suggests. The research found that glacier loss on Juneau Icefield, which straddles the...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 26, 2024 | Kestävän kehityksen tiede- ja tutkimusuutiset
Finnwatch tutki NoHo:n, Restelin ja S-ryhmän työtä ravintoloiden päästöjen vähentämiseksi. Yhtiöiden ilmastotavoitteissa ja tarjottavan ruoan päästöjen leikkaamisessa on merkittäviä puutteita. Burger King- ja Taco Bell -ravintoloista tunnettu Restel oli konsernitason...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 19, 2024 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Introducing the fashion of the future: a T-shirt you can wear a few times, then, when you get bored with it, dissolve and recycle to make a new shirt. Researchers at the ATLAS Institute at the CU Boulder are now one step closer to that goal. In a new study, the team...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 19, 2024 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Today, the Commission has announced the results of the 2023 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) call for the co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND). As a part of Horizon Europe, the EU programme for research and innovation, €96.2...