mennessä CrNet Oy | marras 14, 2024 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
In 2023, 11.8% of materials used in the EU came from recycled materials. This indicator is known as ‘circular material use rate’ or ‘circularity rate’, and it measures the contribution of recycled materials in the overall use of materials. Compared with 2022, the...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 19, 2024 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Introducing the fashion of the future: a T-shirt you can wear a few times, then, when you get bored with it, dissolve and recycle to make a new shirt. Researchers at the ATLAS Institute at the CU Boulder are now one step closer to that goal. In a new study, the team...
mennessä CrNet Oy | touko 23, 2024 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Engineers have modeled a new way to recycle polystyrene that could become the first viable way of making the material reusable. The chemical method identified to tackle hard-to-recycle packaging material, cutting landfill waste. The team of chemical engineers, based...