mennessä CrNet Oy | loka 28, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
The United Nations is not aware of any biological weapons programmes in Ukraine, a senior official in the Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) reiterated on Thursday in a briefing to the Security Council. This marked the third time since the 24 February invasion...
mennessä CrNet Oy | loka 12, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
The European Commission published guidelines for teachers in primary and secondary schools Tuesday on how to address disinformation and promote digital literacy in their classrooms. The guidelines provide practical support for teachers and educators and include...
mennessä CrNet Oy | loka 7, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
] EU states formally adopted a regulation Thursday on an emergency intervention introducing common measures to reduce electricity demand and redistribute the energy sector’s surplus revenues. The Council regulation sets a voluntary overall reduction target of...
mennessä CrNet Oy | loka 4, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Specialised public prosecutors from the United States and EU Member States agreed Monday to step up cooperation on tackling major cross-border and intercontinental environmental crime. During a dedicated liaison meeting hosted by Eurojust officials devised a process...
mennessä CrNet Oy | syys 29, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
The European Research and Innovation Days, Europe’s annual flagship event on the future of research and innovation, are starting and will take place online until tomorrow 29 September. This year they will feature more than 50 live sessions and connect more than...