mennessä CrNet Oy | syys 9, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
While on missions without access to clean water, U. S. Marines face the challenge of procuring and storing enough drinking water to sustain them. Penn State researchers, led by Chris Arges, Penn State associate professor of chemical engineering, are working toward a...
mennessä CrNet Oy | syys 8, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
We are facing an extraordinary situation, not only because Russia is an unreliable supplier, as we have witnessed over the last days, weeks, months, but also because Russia is actively manipulating the gas market. I am deeply convinced that with our unity, our...
mennessä CrNet Oy | syys 7, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, marked on 7 September, takes place in a world where almost all the air we breathe is polluted, and some seven million people die from air pollution every year. Ahead of the Day, UN News spoke to two experts about the...
mennessä CrNet Oy | syys 7, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Researchers have developed a new method for assessing the impact of ozone-depleting chemicals released into the atmosphere. The ozone layer sits in the stratosphere – between 15 km and 30 km above the Earth - and provides a shield from some of the sun’s...
mennessä CrNet Oy | syys 6, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €7.7 million Swedish scheme to support the fishery sector affected by effects of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. The aim of the scheme is to compensate companies active in the fishery sector that...