mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 28, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
EU ministers adopted a general approach on two legislative proposals that tackle energy aspects of the EU’s climate transition, the renewable energies directive and the energy efficiency directive. ”The agreement of the member states on these two proposals...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 27, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Trying the gravest crimes, involving victims, ensuring fair trials, complementing national tribunals: in its first 20 years of existence, the International Criminal Court has made notable progress in its crucial mission. Ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Court on 1...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 17, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
The Commission is hosting the fourth Forum of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. Members of the Alliance will discuss the Commission’s REPowerEU Plan, which sets out a series of actions to accelerate hydrogen deployment to spur the green transition and...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 16, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
A Eurobarometer released today shows that European citizens support massively a common security and defence policy and expect the EU to phase out its dependency on Russian sources of energy. The survey also confirms the large support for the EU’s response to the...
mennessä CrNet Oy | kesä 15, 2022 | Science and Research News of Sustainable Development
Two key European Parliament committees rejected Tuesday the classification of fossil gas and nuclear power as environmentally sustainable under the EU’s so-called Taxonomy. The Taxonomy regulation, part of a Commission plan on financing sustainable growth, aims...